Beatitudes-7pm-Online Group - Wednesday

Study: Beatitudes

Wednesday at 7pm via Zoom!

This group is a Women’s group that meets online every Wednesday at 7pm. The age of our group varies from mid 30’s to 70’s.

Get ready… our next study begins on Wednesday, September 13th and our study will be on…… The Beatitudes, Matthew 5: 3-12

What does it mean to be blessed? And, more importantly, how do we become someone who is blessed? The kind of life God is calling us to may not look the way we imagined, but it will be better than we could have hoped.

In this eight-session series, pastor Matt Chandler takes us through the Beatitudes and shows us what it means to live in the kingdom of God. Through Jesus’s teaching, learn what the blessed life really looks like.


For more information, contact Allison Dufresne

To register Click Here

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