When do you know if your child is ready for the next step of baptism? Does your child truly and clearly understand what baptism means?


Here at Family Church, we’re creating a place for kids to come and learn about the love of Jesus and the plan that God has for their lives.

When your K-5th grade child expresses an interest in baptism, we offer a Kids BE Class for parents and kids to take together. This one-session class will guide you together as family through what it means to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, what baptism represents and the answers to other questions that will help determine if your child is ready for this very exciting and important step

This class is required for a child to be baptized at Family Church and can be scheduled for a Sunday morning at your convenience, either at Lakeside or Windermere locations.

Parents, prior to registering your child, please take a moment to make sure your child is ready for this class by going through the following Pre-Baptism Questionnaire If you have any questions or need help with this please let us know.

Once you’ve gone through the questionnaire, please contact us with the name and age of your child. We will be in touch to help schedule your class.

Windermere Brian Emond [email protected]

Lakeside Sarah Gegerson   [email protected]

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