Adult Worship Teams

Lead people in worship while developing your musical abilities.

Lead joyful worship with us!

Our Worship Arts Ministry brings together the creative and performing arts
to lead in the weekly worship experience and glorify God.
Please consider joining one of our many teams:

Choir and Orchestra lead worship at the Windermere and Lakeside Campuses.

The New Worship Band also leads worship at the Windermere and Lakeside Campuses.

The East Winter Garden Worship Team leads worship at the EWG Campus.

The Spanish and Brazilian Worship Teams lead their respective services at the Windermere and Lakeside Campuses.

If interested, please complete our Be Classes first
(Believe, Belong and Beyond) CLICK HERE

For more information, contact our
Worship Arts Pastor Mark Goff ([email protected])
or Associate Director Marshall Webb ([email protected].)

Got questions?

We’d love to hear about what you’re looking for and can help answer any questions you may have.

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